Cosmetic & Aesthetic Dentistry

Invisalign is an alternative treatment to straighten your teeth without the need for braces. The system uses 3D computer imaging technology with a series of clear removable retainers (known as aligners) to straighten crooked teeth invisibly. The aligners can be removed for daily necessities such as eating, drinking, brushing and special events. There are no metal wires or bands that irritate your mouth and they are comfortable and convenient to wear. The Ennissmiles Dental Clinic is located near E Ennis Ave, suite C , Tx is the best option available and affordable dentist available and the nearest dentist office for any type of Cosmetic & Aesthetic Dental problem . The Process: Examination: An orthodontist first examines your teeth and facial profile, and checks whether you are suitable for Invisalign or conventional braces. Invisalign is ideal for people who do not have severely crooked teeth....