What are Partial Dentures?


You might think dentures are for people missing most or all of their teeth. However, partial dentures are used when just a few teeth are missing. They fill the gaps with natural-looking false teeth and look just like the real thing, so nobody will notice the difference. Partial denture cost is significantly cheaper than getting implants. The replacement teeth are mounted on a partial plate that has spaces to fit around your existing teeth. Depending on your needs, you can be fitted with a partial upper denture, a partial lower denture, or both. When you have dental plates for missing teeth, they can come fitted with different types of hooks and clasps to keep them in place. Your dentist will explain the options that might be appropriate in your case and offer suggestions as to what is likely to work best for you. The Ennissmiles Dental Clinic  is located near E Ennis Ave, suite C , Tx is dedicated to the removal of wisdom teeth. Our state of the art facilities are purpose built with the latest technology and best Denture   Expert  dentist near you.

Partial Dentures – Suitable for All Ages

Partial dentures are more commonly used than you might think. They are not just for older people. Younger adults also lose teeth, some due to decay or gum disease and others due to sports injuries and other accidents.

Partial dentures provide a cost-effective solution. Some people choose to have a partial denture as an interim measure while contemplating other alternatives, such as implants. This is a good idea, as leaving the gap empty for any period of time can cause more problems than you think.

Fill Those Gaps

When you lose a tooth, you might not think it is a big problem, especially if it is a back one, so nobody can see the gap. But if you leave it, you could face bigger problems than a bit of difficulty eating nuts.

For one thing, that gap will be an ideal place for trapped food, and bacteria can easily start to form, leading to bad breath and gum disease and decay at worst. Secondly, you will often find that with time, the surrounding teeth can drift to fill the gap, leaving them crooked and affecting your bite. With partial dentures, none of these things have a chance to get started, so if you have lost a tooth, 

  1. Call us at (972) 875-2501 or visit https://ennissmiles.com/home to schedule your appointment.

      1. Find us at:

        1022 E Ennis Ave,

        Suite C,
        Ennis TX 75119


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